
Free Printable Spring Cleaning Checklist

We are one month into spring, and it’s going fast again. If you haven’t tackled spring cleaning in your home yet, here’s a free printable spring cleaning checklist to help you get started.

Refresh and renew your entire home in 7 days. This free printable spring cleaning checklist will help you get started.

Spring is the season of refreshing and renewal. Outdoors, the snow melts, and the flowers and grass start to sprout. The same kind of thing happens inside our homes. We get out of hibernation mode and start deep cleaning, sorting, and organizing our stuff to welcome everything new, literally and figuratively. Time to put away heavy coats, blankets, and throws, dust the shelves, and bring some color indoors.

Refresh and renew your entire home in 7 days. This free printable spring cleaning checklist will help you get started.

Spring Cleaning Day 1: Every Room

Take a day to visit every room in your home. On day 1, you get a jumpstart and tackle the things that every room has in common, such as walls, molding, ceiling, fixtures, air vents, doors, and floors. Start from the top (walls and moldings) and work your way down to the floors.

Refresh and renew your entire home in 7 days. This free printable spring cleaning checklist will help you get started.
  • Dust all blinds, curtains, and/or valances. If your window treatments can be washed at home, this is the time to throw them in the wash while you clean the rooms.
  • Dust crown moldings, walls, wall decor/art, and air vents.
  • Dust all ceiling fixtures (lamps, chandeliers, fans) and replace lightbulbs if needed.
  • Clean the windows frames, sills, and glass.
  • Dust and wipe baseboards and wall corners.
  • Dust and wipe door frames and handles.
  • Wipe light switches
  • Dust and clean floor or table lamps and lampshades
  • Dust all furniture
  • Vacuum, sweep, and mop floors.
  • Clean mirrors.

Ask a family member or a friend to lend you a hand, and you can complete these tasks in a day. Here are 5 spring cleaning tasks you can do in a day.

Refresh and renew your entire home in 7 days. This free printable spring cleaning checklist will help you get started.

Spring Cleaning Day 2: Living Areas

Use this day to tackle the living areas such as your living room, family room, or playroom.

Refresh and renew your entire home in 7 days. This free printable spring cleaning checklist will help you get started.
  • Vacuum all chairs, couches, and cushions
  • Wash slipcovers, throw pillows, and blankets while you clean.
  • Dust and polish furniture (coffee tables, end tables, media or entertainment center, desks, bookshelves, etc.)
  • Dust and wipe TVs, game consoles, electronics, remotes, and game controllers.
  • Dust, clean, swap, or discard knick-knacks and decor.
  • Replace seasonal decor.
  • Water the plants, or bring them outdoors.
  • Sort through magazine racks, coffee table books, etc.

Our family room makeover gave our entire home a new life. A coat of paint, new shelves, new pillows, and decor accents greatly impact a room.

Spring Cleaning Day 3: Bedrooms & Closets

On Day 3, visit the bedrooms and quickly sweep the bedside tables and closets. Declutter each room for 15 minutes, making toss and donate piles.

Refresh and renew your entire home in 7 days. This free printable spring cleaning checklist will help you get started.
  • Spot clean or wipe pillows
  • Vacuum, spot clean, and flip mattresses
  • Declutter and donate clothing, fashion accessories, old bed linens, etc.
  • Replace old hangers
  • Organize dresser/armoire, nightstands, and drawers.
  • Change bed linens
  • Replace seasonal decor and accents
  • Check and clean under the beds
  • Sort through magazines and books
  • Wipe mirrors and vanities.

If you have difficulty letting go of things (been there, done that!), here are 5 ways to declutter your home without guilt.

Spring Cleaning Day 4: Bathrooms

In the spring, dive deep into cleaning the bathrooms. Remember to disinfect trash cans, door handles, light switches, and faucet heads. Chelsea from Two Twenty-One has a great tutorial on how to clean calcium off faucets.

Refresh and renew your entire home in 7 days. This free printable spring cleaning checklist will help you get started.
  • Scrub bathtub and shower walls
  • Wash or replace shower curtains
  • Clean shower doors
  • Deep clean the toilet bowl and wastebaskets
  • Clean vanity countertops, mirrors, and cabinets
  • Deep clean soap dish, toothbrush holder, and other accessories
  • Donate or toss old towels
  • Toss expired toiletries and other beauty products.
  • Organize the cabinet under the bathroom sink.
  • Clean makeup brushes and hairbrushes.

Spring Cleaning Day 5: Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the easiest places to declutter and clean. Food is easy to toss (if it’s expired) or donate if you or your family just don’t like it. Clean the pantry, fridge, countertops, drawers, and cabinets.

Refresh and renew your entire home in 7 days. This free printable spring cleaning checklist will help you get started.

I have several posts related to kitchen and pantry organization. This under the kitchen sink organization is one of our most popular articles. I organized the entire cabinet for only $8.00!

Refresh and renew your entire home in 7 days. This free printable spring cleaning checklist will help you get started.

Spring Cleaning Day 6: Home Office

Sort bills and receipts, shred unneeded documents, toss old pens, dust bookshelves, and donate or recycle books, magazines, etc. Depending on your office and household size, this task could take more than a day. Here are some points to get you started.

tips for organizing paper
  • Dust desk and other surfaces
  • Dust and wipe clean computers, printers, and other electronics.
  • Dust and wipe clean shelves, cabinets, and bookshelves
  • Shred receipts and unneeded documents
  • Toss old pens, markers, pencils, etc.
  • Organize file cabinets and drawers.

These tips on organizing paper are a good start.

Spring Cleaning Day 7: Laundry Room or Storage Room

laundry room organization
  • Wipe machines
  • Clean the dryer vent
  • Discard old rags and towels
  • Declutter cleaning products
  • Declutter and organize cabinets
  • Sort through lightbulbs, batteries, etc.

Check out our laundry room organization.

happy organizing, Flavia


  1. Hello, Found your website and loved the daily ‘to-do” list. I just cannot find it! also is it available to print on one-half of 8 1/2 X11 paper? Found it very frustrating…

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