5 Spring Cleaning Tasks You Can Do in a Day

Hello, Spring! A new season has arrived. Spring cleaning is in full swing, and I thought I would include these five spring cleaning tips as our task for Week 12. The winter to spring transition in South Florida has been just plain awful. Every other person I know had or knew someone that has had a bad case of flu, bronchitis, and even pneumonia. Not good! I was sick three weeks out of the last 5; luckily, they were not consecutive weeks.

Spring cleaning is in full swing! These 5 tasks are quick and will make your home feel refreshed and renewed.

My son and my husband were no exception, and the last two weeks in my household all you could hear was lots of coughing. So, last Sunday all I did was dust, wash, scrub and disinfect every possible surface in my home.

Here are 5 spring cleaning tasks you can do in a day to renew and refresh your home, and -hopefully- you will get rid of pesky viruses and bacteria that could be lingering around.

1.Dust and Clean All Table Lamps

Table lamps are one of those housewares that we usually forget to dust and deep clean. The light bulb and the lampshade accumulate as much dust as everything else.

Spring cleaning is in full swing! These 5 tasks are quick and will make your home feel refreshed and renewed.

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  • Unplug the lamp off the electrical outlet.
  • Unscrew the finial and separate the lampshade from the lamp base
  • Wipe clean the dust off the light bulb and lamp base
  • Wipe clean the inside and outside of the lamp shade


Spring cleaning is in full swing! These 5 tasks are quick and will make your home feel refreshed and renewed.
Tip: Use a soft and non-abrasive microfiber cloth with or without cleaner, your preference. Check out my favorite microfiber cloths.

2. Scrub and Disinfect All Trash Cans

This is a task that should be done on a regular basis. Although the garbage bag protects the trash can from spills, dust and dirt, it is necessary to deep clean it to get rid of viruses, bacteria and odors.

Spring cleaning is in full swing! These 5 tasks are quick and will make your home feel refreshed and renewed.

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  • Empty out the garbage can and spray it with your disinfectant of your choice
  • Let the product sit on the trash can for 1 minute or so.
  • Recommended:put on latex gloves to protect your hands and arms (from bacteria and hot water)
  • Scrub and rinse under hot water


Tip: clean all garbage cans at once under running hot water inside a tub. Deep clean the tub after. Check out my favorite scrubbing single pads

3. Deep Clean and Deodorize Your Mattresses

Use this day to change out the sheets in your household and take the opportunity to deep clean mattresses.

Spring cleaning is in full swing! These 5 tasks are quick and will make your home feel refreshed and renewed.

Here’s what you have to do:

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  • Generously sprinkle baking soda directly over the surface of the mattresses
  • Rub baking soda over the mattress
  • Let mixture sit for an hour and do its magic
  • After an hour, vacuum the baking soda using the end of a vacuum hose and an upholstery attachment


Baking soda absorbs odors and moisture. Say goodbye to dust mites by vacuuming them up!

Tip: If desired, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Peppermint and lavender are my all time favorites.

4. Wipe Clean and Disinfect Door Handles

Take a tub of disinfecting wipes and go around the house wiping every door handle, and every other surface that is in constant contact with hands.

Spring cleaning is in full swing! These 5 tasks are quick and will make your home feel refreshed and renewed.

Another few places and things you can wipe clean and disinfect in a day:

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  • Light switches
  • Keys
  • Telephones
  • Tablets / iPads / iPhones
  • Alarm keypads
  • Remote controls
  • Video game controls
  • Kitchen cabinet handles and drawer pulls


Tip: Gather all your electronics, remotes, and keys, toss them inside a basket and sit comfortably to wipe one by one. Let the items air dry before putting away. Check out my favorite disinfecting wipes.

5. Vacuum Air Duct Return Grills and Change Out The Filters

Look up and find your AC’s return grills. The return grills are the ones that pull the air back into the unit in order for it to recirculate. If you do not clean them often, you will notice there is a layer of dust build-up in them.

Spring cleaning is in full swing! These 5 tasks are quick and will make your home feel refreshed and renewed.

Here is what you can do:

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  • Pull out a chair or a step stool high enough to reach the grill.
  • Use a handheld vacuum or attach the brush attachment to the end of the vacuum’s hose
  • Vacuum up all the dust moving the vacuum brush in one direction (left to right or vice-versa)
  • If necessary, wipe the grill clean with a microfiber cloth.


Spring cleaning is in full swing! These 5 tasks are quick and will make your home feel refreshed and renewed.
Tip: also, remember to vacuum and wipe clean the louvered doors of the closet where the air handler unit is. Those doors act like a return grill too. Check out my favorite handheld vacuum

You can quickly do all these five tasks in a day. They definitely will make a significant impact on the cleanliness of your home.

Happy speedy spring cleaning!

Spring cleaning is in full swing! These 5 tasks are quick and will make your home feel refreshed and renewed.

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