Hi there, and thanks for taking a minute to read our Terms Of Use (TOU).
This blog is written for the love of all things home, family, and lifestyle. It takes me time, material, and money to bring you thoughtful and useful posts, tutorials, free products, reviews, and giveaways. So please, be kind and abide by the following Terms of Use:
- All our printables are trademarked and registered with the United States Patent and Trademarks Office.
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- Unless otherwise noted, all blog content and images are original and are the sole property of Flavia Andrews and Neat House. Sweet Home®
- You may share 1 image from this blog, if and only if you provide credit and link back to the original post it belongs to. Please do not remove my watermark, crop, edit, or alter my images. If you are interested in sharing more than one image, please contact me with the word “permission” in the subject field for further discussion.
- All comments are moderated. Neat House. Sweet Home® reserves the right to publish comments on posts and pages. We do not tolerate hate, spammers, and explicit language. This is a family-oriented blog and we aim to spread love and positive messages to build each other up.
If you are interested in sharing any of my pictures, files or posts, please contact me with the word ‘permission’ in the subject field.
Thank you for your support!