How to Declutter Your Home When You Don’t Know Where to Start

My tips for decluttering your home when you don’t have a clue on where to start.

I didn’t become an organizing junkie for the love of organization, although I have memories of organizing and re-organizing and rearranging my bedroom since I was a little girl. I am an organizing junkie because I have a tough, tough, super duper tough time letting go of things.

If you are anything like me, letting go of some things is also difficult for you. And I am not in a position to convince you to get rid of items that are meaningful to you. But, there are many ways to declutter your home without guilt. These are just 5 ways to get you started!

1. Declutter Magazines, Catalogs, and Any Printed Material

5 Ways To Declutter Your Home Without Gui

Gather all magazines and catalogs and set them on a table. Sort them by date and recycle or give away the old ones. Keep only the most recent ones (1 -2 months old) and set your limits. Allow yourself to only keep 5 or 10 at a time. Try to keep it at the 5 mark! If you’re attached to anything in particular -a stunning home decor picture or a recipe – tear the page off and create a binder or a scrapbook.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Unsubscribe from products brochures and store catalogs. Everything can be found online. #declutter ” quote=” Unsubscribe from products brochures and store catalogs. Everything can be found online. #declutter”]

Unsubscribe from products brochures and store catalogs. Remember this: everything can be found online. Keep the subscriptions that you really love and/or try to switch to digital magazine subscriptions.

2. Declutter Kitchen Utensils, Containers, and Pans

10 Ways To Declutter Your Home Without Gui

How many slotted spoons, spatulas and wooden spoons can one use at a given time? Go through all kitchen utensils and discard anything that is duplicated, burnt, stained or cracked.

Discard all plastic ware that doesn’t have a lid or is stained. Make an inventory of your food storage containers: how many 1-quart size containers do you need? Discard duplicates.

Any non-stick pots and pans that are flaking or have scratches, need to be tossed. And let me ask you: how many coffee mugs do you have? Allow 2 per family member and have an extra set for when you have company (12 total is a good number).  As a rule of thumb, for every new item you purchase, discard two old ones.

3. Declutter Towels, Makeup, and Toiletries10 Ways To Declutter Your Home Without Gui

Image via The Container Store

Go through your toiletries and discard anything that is not used on a daily or weekly basis. If you haven’t used that bath scrub in months, toss it. Besides, the only thing you need to scrub your skin is sugar and coconut oil. Toss anything that is expired or does not smell like it is supposed to. Nail polish gives it away: when is hard and gloppy, throw it out.

Discard old towels and washcloths that have stains, are fraying or have holes. Keep a separate set of towels for your guests and don’t use them. Bathrobes are used seldom. I don’t know about you, but I shower and get dressed, I do not hang out in a bathrobe. Why have more than one?

4. Declutter The Closet

5 Ways To Declutter Your Home Without Gui

This one could and would be a whole other post but let’s start with:

  • Hangers: discard those annoying wire hangers. Slowly make the switch to wood hangers or non-slip slim hangers. I am a fan of the wood hangers for heavy clothes such as pants and coats and the non-slip hangers for delicate tops and blouses.
  • Shoes: donate those shoes that you haven’t worn in over a year. Yes, the ones you used when you were a bridesmaid. Bring them to your local Goodwill, someone needs them!
  • Anything that doesn’t fit:  the day you go down to your pre-kids size, you deserve a brand new pair of jeans!
  • Socks, pajamas and underwear: socks without a match, anything that is discolored, stained or holey; toss it. Damaged clothing beyond repair shouldn’t be donated.

5. Declutter Office Supplies and More

declutter the office

Notepads, sticky notes, pencils, markers, and pens seem to multiply daily. Take your time to check each pen and marker and throw out anything that has low or no ink left. Throw out broken crayons.

Donate duplicate tools like staplers, stapler removers, hole punchers, etc. How many do you need, really? Likewise, limit the number of paper clips and pushpins by placing them in a container. If you have more than a small container can hold, you have too many.

Where Do I Start Decluttering?

Decluttering a home can be an overwhelming process, but like many things in life: ‘if you don’t know where to start, start anywhere’. Each step you take will take you to another and soon you will realize it wasn’t as difficult and daunting as you thought it would be.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”If you don’t know where to start, start anywhere. #decluttering” quote=”‘If you don’t know where to start, start anywhere.”]

My very first post published on the blog, Organizing Your Home: The Essential Guide, has a very handy printable that can help you get started.

5 Ways To Declutter Your Home Without Gui

What area of your home will you declutter today?

See you next time!



  1. I’m a clean freak and I love organizing stuff at home. It bothers me when something is out of place, like a nagging feeling that I need to fix it. Lol. These are really awesome tip, I do them too.

    1. Yes, I get that nagging feeling too…all the time! The secret is that once everything has a place of its own and we learn to declutter often, it’s easier to put things away when they’re not in use.

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