
Setting Daily Goals – Free Printable Template

Setting daily goals and objectives might be one of the most important things you can do to stay organized. I don’t think I have ever set daily goals in writing, but only in my mind. I have always liked to write daily to-do lists, but I noticed that a scattered list of tasks did not give me a purpose.

A couple of weeks ago, I received quite a few Etsy orders. So, I made a to-do list of all the tasks and errands needed to fulfill those orders. Most importantly, I wanted to set at least three daily goals to stay on track and on schedule. Deadlines are very important in my Etsy business because my product is useless if I don’t deliver an order on time.

So, I designed a printable template for setting goals, daily objectives, and a to-do list. I am sharing it with you; you can download it for free.

goal setting printable template
2022 Version

The Importance of Setting Daily Goals

You may be wondering why it’s necessary to set daily goals. Goals are generally thought of as long-term plans for the future, and breaking them down into smaller, achievable goals can help you stay motivated and on track.

Along the same lines, you can set small goals that can be achieved on the same day. Call it an objective.

We all have objectives to achieve and things that must be done daily. For me, they are simple goals such as:

  • Go to the craft store and purchase all the supplies needed for Etsy orders.
  • Draft a blog post.
  • Complete -at least- one Etsy order from start to finish.

Daily goals give my day direction and purpose, and a to-do list helps me achieve those goals. I believe the more things I have on my calendar, the better I use my time.

In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to daily acts of trivia.

Robert Heinlein

In other words, when you have a lot of free time, you tend to wander and become a slave to insignificant and unimportant things. To avoid this, try to set at least a couple of meaningful goals or objectives for your day.

Printable Daily To-Do List and Goal Setting Sheet

I have a full-size planner for tracking appointments, reminders, payments due, birthdays, anniversaries, days off, vacation days, holidays, and anything school— and work-related. But I also need a to-do list, so I created this one.

Daily Goals and To Do List - Free Printable
2015 Version

I can write last-minute appointments, phone calls, commitments, and errands on the daily to-do list. And, of course, I can set my three daily goals.

I have been writing to-do lists for years on a regular notepad. I never cared for pretty printables or fancy squares to check things off the list. However, I spend a lot of time designing cards, invitations, notes, and tags for my customers, and I realized that it was time to create a custom and inspirational to-do list—something that would set me apart from the rest and be a little more personal.

Here is the final result.

Neat To Do List
2015 Version

This printable includes the space needed to write those tasks and an inspirational quote from my favorite author, Paulo Coelho.

Start to do something. That way time will be an ally, not an enemy.

Paulo coelho

I reserved a small space for setting daily goals. Assigning a space for daily goals and objectives held me accountable for accomplishing more meaningful things in my day.

I took this printable for a ‘test drive’ for almost two weeks. I printed several proofs and switched titles until I settled on this design. There’s plenty of room for everything.

Highlights of the Printable Daily To-Do List

  • The space between the lines is tall enough to write freely without cramming your words.
  • Happy colors to keep you motivated!
  • This digital file is free for your personal use. Please abide by our TOU.

Download Your Goal Setting Sheet

Tackle your day and set daily goals and objectives with our free printable template.

How do you tackle your daily to-do list?

happy planning, Flavia


  1. I cannot download this printable and I really like it. Could you please send it to me? Thank you.

    1. Hello LaQunda! Thank you for reaching out. If you’d like to access to this and all other printables in one place, CLICK HERE. Subscribe to the form and you will receive a password to access the entire library! Thanks so much, and enjoy!

  2. I’ve subscribed but there’s no way to get these free printables….The links just take you in circles….

      1. Same is happening with me!! Please can you send it to me cuz it seems impossible to download this free printable!

  3. I’m curious. I’ve subscribed to your newsletter. But to download printables (free), it asks me to re-subscribe. Am I doing something wrong? I really don’t want to be on your subscription list multiple times. That will be hard for both of us. 🙂


    1. Hello Annette! Yes, you do have to subscribe to that particular form, in order to download an extra printable. No worries, your name does not appear twice on my account, it only tells me you have 2 different printables. I will be creating a password protected library for my subscribers, and I will let you know so you can access them all in one place! Thanks for visiting! 🙂

  4. This printable is legit! I love the colors you chose, and how you included a quote. What a nice touch! Most of all, the categories you decided to include are perfect for me.

    I featured your printable in a roundup post on my blog. This is something I know my readers will love.

    1. Thank you, Tiffany! I appreciate the feature. This is indeed a great printable. I enjoyed designing it and tweaking it until I came up with something that pleases many! Have a great day! 🙂

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