Weekly Meal Planner Editable Template

I have a love-hate relationship with meal planning. On the one hand, you probably know that I am addicted to planning and making lists to keep me focused. On the other hand, however, meal planning not always goes as planned! But it is always better to have a plan! One of my first printable templates was a weekly meal planner, one of the most loved templates on the blog to date. But, one request I always got was to make it an editable template.

So, I took my first weekly meal planner original template for a spin and created an editable version. That means that you can type on it and then print it. And this time, the template contains 5 pages, including a beautiful cover!

weekly meal planner editable template

What’s New In The Weekly Meal Planner Template

To make the best out of our new template, I will explain what’s new and different from the free version.

Our free version featured one page only. The new version features 5 pages, including a cover and 4 editable printable meal planner pages.

  • Page 1: Cover (print it out to start your own Meal Planning Binder!)
  • Page 2: Detailed Weekly Meal Planner
  • Page 3: Simple Weekly Meal Planner with Shopping List
  • Page 4: Grocery Shopping List
  • Page 5: Kitchen Staples Inventory

Neat Meal Planning Cover

I created a cover in case you would like to start a binder to save all your meal plans. Let’s say you plan your meals one month in advance, you can type, print, and save them in a small 1-inch ring binder.

Meal Planner Binder - Digital download

Print the meal planner cover for easy recognition. At the end of the year you will have a perfectly organized binder with 52 weeks of meals! This is perfect to practice a healthy meal rotation.

Two New Weekly Meal Planner Styles

I have created two different styles of weekly planning sheets. One is more detailed, including boxes to type breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. The other one is more compact but includes a column to type a shopping list.

editable weekly meal planner pdf

Page 2 – Detailed Weekly Meal Planner

  • This page is designed for those who like detailed meal planning. It is great if you are following a strict food regimen or diet.
  • There are 7 rows (one for each day of the week) and 4 columns (one for each type of meal).
  • Each box is fully editable. You can type on your computer, save, and print.

Page 3 – Simple Weekly Meal Planner (with shopping list)

  • This page’s layout is the same as the one on the free version, except for changes in fonts and colors.
  • There is a column on the left with room to type Monday through Sunday meals. And a column on the right to type your shopping list.
  • Each line is an editable field, and the boxes in the shopping list can be checked off.

Editable Grocery Shopping List and Pantry Inventory

The next two pages will help you keep track of your kitchen staples. On page 4, you can do an inventory of your kitchen staples. With the inventory done, you can type what you need in the grocery shopping list template on page 5.

editable weekly meal planner kitchen staples list pdf

Page 4 – Kitchen Staples

  • This template contains a list of common kitchen staples in most households.
  • It is sorted into three groups: pantry, fruits & produce, and fridge & freezer.
  • Each item can be checked off, and the extra lines are editable fields.
editable weekly meal planner grocery list pdf

Page 5 – Grocery Shopping List

  • Once your kitchen inventory is done (page 4), use this page to type what’s needed.
  • It is sorted into 12 groups. Print as many as you need.
  • Each item can be checked off, and all the lines are editable fields.

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